Beautiful Witch Party

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If you’ve read any of my other blogs you know that once I get an idea in my head it’ll consume me until I try it and this particular idea was to throw a gorgeous Witches Night Out! Last year I threw a Classic Halloween Party with families, kids, games and all kinds of fun things! Someone asked me if I’d be throwing that party again and I thought to myself “I just need a fun night with other moms”. If I’m thinking that then surely other moms are too so I decided to make it happen!

I immediately knew I wanted a long table to sit at for this party but I was starting to strike out of options that weren’t going to be pricey. I didn’t want to spend a lot of money since I usually try to make as many things as I can. That’s when I remembered I had these old french doors that I got off of facebook marketplace for our greenhouse we’ll make one day.

I bought 4 of these doors for $100 which I’m hoping to use sooner than later hopefully for our next big project!

I grabbed these wooden stumps that were being used as the seats of our toadstool table and put them under this door to see how it would look and that’s when I started getting excited that this could work!

I set up our projector movie screen and tested out the sound (aka I watched Haunted Mansion) while Dallin cut eight wooden stumps to the same 16” height. That seemed to be a perfect height when sitting at the table to eat. Dallin marked the logs with chalk to know where to cut.

I used eight logs in total to support the three doors. The total length ended up being about 24ft and it looks AMAZING! Now things are starting to come together and I tried getting as much done as possible the week of the party and getting the table figured out was huge! Now it’s time to decorate!

I wanted a fancy, whimsical, and colorful look which meant I needed lots of things to fill up this table!


  1. Gold disposable silverware

  2. Gold rimmed cups

  3. Small Soup Bowls

  4. Balloons: Multi-colored kit, purple, green, pink

  5. White disposable plates: I just had everyone put their plates in a basket for me to wash and use again for all my hosting events!

  6. Black butterflies

  7. Witch Hats: I hung all these witch hats from the trees and it created the perfect shadowy ambiance at night!

  8. green

  9. Fairy Lights: This pack of 12 was a great deal and covered the long table and food table

  10. Sage green table runner: Two of them covered the whole length of the table with some hanging off the ends.

  11. Purple Balloons

  12. Pink Balloons

  13. Pumpkins: I got lots of fresh pumpkins

  14. Candlesticks: I thrifted and also bought them. I used gold and black. These green glass ones are gorgeous!

  15. Candles: From Ikea. They came in a pack of 8 and I got two packs. Here are some black ones, green multi, ombre neutral

  16. Vintage Glass bottles: Thriftsores are always a great option but here is an assortment off of amazon that come in colors like the black and amber are super pretty!

  17. Sticks from the yard

  18. Moon Plates

  19. Floral Napkins

  20. Fresh Roses: A friend in the neighborhood let us come help ourselves to her roses and that truly transformed the entire table! Fresh flowers are a must!

  21. Old Books: I gather old books from thriftstores and left some open on the table

Next came putting the balloon arch together! I don’t know why I love balloon arches so much but I can’t pretend I don’t…they just make everything bigger and better! This was definitely the largest balloon arch I’ve tackled and somehow the easiest one probably because I’ve attempted so many now but a balloon pump is a MUST!

This arch was the length of two plastic rolls they give you in a balloon arch kits (the one where you stick the tie of the balloon into the hole). It ended up being the whole length of my kitchen! Not going to lie that was a bit of a disaster with the kids….they loved it but it was a disaster for me haha

It turned out so lovely! I didn’t even get to make it as massive and full as I wanted but it still turned out great! We had some wind the morning of the party when I set it up so some blew away. I had planned to add more to it before the party started but then of course other things come up last minute.

I’m so unbelievably happy with how the table turned out! I thought the green candles with the table runner would be too matchy matchy but it actually ended up tieing all the colors together.

We asked for everyone to bring a mini charcuterie board to share and we lined the table with those and then had a table with soups and breads.`

I made myself a witch hat by gluing lacey ribbon to the inside so I could tie it under my chin. I glued dried roses in a cluster and then glued a string of small pearls around the whole base of the hat.

I also braided pearls and ribbons into my hair at different lengths so they hung down and I loved the way it turned out! I wore a velvet dress with fish net tights and had a vintage kind of look.

This smaller table held our gold disposable silverware, the plates, moon napkins, drink dispensers, and cups.

I saw an inspo picture where the cups were set onto a mirror which I loved so I tried to re-create it! The mirror was gold and so were the cups and when it got dark the lights shone on the mirror.

It was so fun to see everyone’s witch outfits and have it complete the ambiance of the night! I just LOVE a reason to dress up and get into the holiday with other who get into it too!

Everyone gushed over the details and how they turned out! You can see here that I has fresh roses but also ones that lost there petals. I thought it would give it a moody/different feel to not have everything so perfect.

One of the things that made the table just SHINE was this warm white light strand that shinedecor sent us! We ran it under the whole table and since the door was mostly glass it absolutely glowed which was SO cool! You can click here for their lighting which I would get in every color for future parties/decor! You can use my code for 10% OFF: SD1023

Such a fun night with such fun witches! I hope you got some ideas and throw your own party!

As always thanks so much for reading!



Cobblestone Pathway


Family-Friendly Classic Halloween Party